Benefits of Kiwi Fruit High in Vitamin C

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When you eating dessert menu with various fruits, you are probably familiar with the green fruit call “kiwi”, fruit high in vitamin C. It is a fruit with an oval shape, about 6 cm in size, and has green flesh with small black seeds inside. It also has a sour taste like strawberries and gooseberries. The health benefits of kiwi are also extraordinary.

Pregnancy care

Kiwi is not only good for women in general, but it is also considered a fruit that nourishes pregnancy. This is because during pregnancy, เล่น UFABET ผ่านมือถือ สะดวกทุกที่ ทุกเวลา, folic acid is an essential nutrient that must be received more than usual because it helps stimulate the fetus to be complete, strong, and free of defects, especially in the spine. Kiwi contains a high amount of folic acid, so it should be eaten regularly.

Helps improve mood

When we eat fruits, our mood changes because we feel stronger, have more energy and are in a better mood. Kiwi is no exception because it contains certain enzymes that send signals to the brain and act as a mood enhancer. So if you are feeling sad, upset or stressed, try eating kiwi.

Nourishes the eyes

Kiwi contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which help reduce the risk of eye diseases such as preventing macular degeneration, reducing the degeneration of eye cells, reducing the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, and cataracts.

Helps lose weight. 

This fruit is very suitable for people who want to lose weight because it is a fruit with low sugar and high fiber content, so it does not cause severe insulin secretion like other sweet fruits. It does not cause fat accumulation.

Helps you play sports better.

When we think of fruits that are good for sports people, we usually think of bananas. But in fact, kiwis have more potassium than bananas and less sodium. They also have vitamin E, Vitamin C, lutein and fiber, which can help improve sports performance and make us stronger. In addition, kiwis help reduce the risk of cramps and help muscles recover faster