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What causes body odor?

What causes body odor?

What causes body odor and how can I get rid of it?  Body odor is something people around you don’t dare tell you. Did you know that Where did this unpleasant smell come from? So what do we have to do to be free from this stuffy smell?

Why is the lunch big causing food coma?

Why is the lunch big causing food coma?

Why is the lunch big causing food coma? when working hard lengthy meeting. A big meal is a reward for office workers during lunch breaks. But eating a big lunch that is full of both sweet and savory. Its rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Yhis lunch meal goes into

what should I do with insomnia?

what should I do with insomnia?

what should I do with insomnia? If you have mild insomnia that isn’t serious enough. A simple remedy that you can do without sleeping pills is: Try to go to bed at the same time every day. You may not get used to it at

What's the cause of insomnia?

What’s the cause of insomnia?

What’s the cause of insomnia? Insomnia can occur for many reasons. But the number one cause of insomnia is stress and anxiety. From the matter that affects the mind. Especially during bedtime when the brain is thinking and processing.  The more stressed, the more your body responds with

There are many types of insomnia

There are many types of insomnia

There are many types of insomnia. Check it out, how do you sleep? Difficulty falling asleep : my head hit the pillow but I still haven’t slept. It takes more than 20 minutes, or some people may take hours to fall asleep. Wake up sleepy : feel like you

What is air diffusion or Airborne?

What is air diffusion or Airborne?

What is air diffusion or Airborne? Airborne is an aerosol secretion released from the body. But evaporated until small can live long in the air and can float as far as 2 meters. These microscopic droplets are released during normal exhalation, speaking, laughing, singing, exhaling vigorously during exercise, as well as

Reduce road accidents Start at myself.

Reduce road accidents Start at myself

Reduce road accidents Start at myself. Driving instructions and restrictions can be tricky and takes a lot of steps. But that is a great protection against accidents that will help motorists safely get to their destination. If we follow carefully and consistently Accidents will definitely be reduced, here

Tips for people who have to go to work

Tips for people who have to go to work(2)

Clean office supplies Items shared by employees are often a common source of pathogens. Such as knobs or handles for doorways, tables and chairs in kitchens, rest rooms and meeting rooms. Therefore, the surface of various objects should be cleaned regularly. By using a damp cloth Disinfectant solution Wipe and

Tips for people who have to go to work.

Tips for people who have to go to work

Maintain your own hygiene Tips for people who have to go to work. Keep yourself clean by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using hand sanitizers. Replacement if it is inconvenient Especially before and after going to the toilet Before eating