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Monthly Archives: April 2021

Do and Dont before going to bed

Do and Dont before going to bed

Things to do before going to bed Food can affect sleep more than you think. Eating a full or high sugar diet will make it harder for you to fall asleep. Therefore, you should avoid heavy meals before going to bed. Abstain from simple carbohydrate foods such

7 types of hurbal tea

7 types of hurbal tea

7 types of hurbal tea for Liquor, cigarettes and spicy food Wrong eating behavior Abdominal pain and indigestion caused by stress. We will introduce 7 types of tea. That is suitable for those people. 1.Dandelion tea Helps reduce tight stomach. Help the malfunction of the stomach and cure gastritis. Peptic ulcer

Why you should eat yogurt every day?

Why you should eat yogurt every day?

Why you should eat yogurt every day? “Yogurt” is a food that has won hearts all over the world. Because besides having a delicious taste and having a smooth and soft texture Yogurt is also packed with healthy nutrients. Especially calcium, protein and good bacteria that help keep

habits that make you even more stressed

A total of 8 habits that make you even more stressed.

A total of 8 habits that make you even more stressed. I cannot deny that When we grow up Responsibility will increase accordingly. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people have symptoms of stress or anxiety about various matters. Especially about work. Financial status or family, however, some

How to fix and prevent smelly hair?

How to fix and prevent smelly hair?

1. Wash your hair more often, at least once a day with a mild shampoo. Do not use shampoos that are too strong or too strong, as they can make your scalp produce more sebum. 2. While washing your hair, you should not scratch because the

Low blood pressure

Low blood pressure

Low blood pressure is not a disease, but it should not be ignored. Although its not considered as serious a disease as the high blood pressure group, is. But there are symptoms that cause frustration and headaches. Have stayed the same Today we come to know this symptom. 

How to treat acne?

How to treat acne?

How to treat acne?  How to treat acne? The bad news that we should be aware of is that “ we can never cure acne ” and “ there are no shortcuts to treatment”. Acne treatment requires determination, sedation and patience. Extracted from vitamin A, it must be trusted. Because

Causes of acne

Causes of acne(2)

Pollution and sunlight  Causes of acne for those who work in an air-conditioned room, they don’t have to worry about the sun too much. But yes, when will you escape the acne? Because staying in the air-conditioned room for a long time will cause the skin to

Causes of acne

Causes of acne

Androgen hormones  Causes of acne , Its like to say that what controls the oil is the hormone androgen. Which is a hormone that is most common in males But also found in females by the hormone swing or change. Each person will have the most extreme acne, like